One scorching afternoon when I was as busy as a bee doing my lengthy homework in my room, a strident scream from outside the window reached my ears. Curiously I……threw the elephantine window ajar. Once more, the obstreperous and blood curdling sound greeted my ears. I resolved to venture out and verify the cause. After arming myself with my amiable grandfather’s walking stick he and torch, I followed the screeching sound. It seemed to come from a clump of lush trees from my gargantuan backyard. I pondered and kept guessing who was screaming for aid. My heart beat kept on increasing as I neared the clump of trees. I bellowed, “ Who is that ?” on the top of my voice but my screeches fell on everybody’s deaf ears. I felt like whisking away from this tenebrous place but I did not move and kept shouting. Out of the blue, I remembered my teacher , Ms. Kavita’s exasperated face and sprinted like lightning towards my monotonous homework. As soon as I sat down to complete my homework, tranquilness had fainted, as a strident scream was heard behind my shoulder and I turned as cadaverous as a ghost and caprioled out of my skin. I, trying to be a little gallant turned behind and was awe struck to find a vibrant, colourful and ravishing parrot right behind me. First I could not fathom what had happened. Then, I ogled at the ajar window and could comprehend that the parrot had flown in when I was out. It had come inside in avarice. There was a guava kept on my bed which had attracted its attention. I was mesmerised and influenced by the ability of a parrot to screech “ Help !” That was truly amazing.
Creative Corner
Our kids felt like sharing their thoughts with the world and we obliged.
Story Starter